Shitty First Post

There are many major firsts in a person’s life: first word, first kiss, first divorce, first blog post. It’s been several years since my last attempt at a blog, and every single one started with a first post laying out rules and expectations. I told myself I wouldn’t do that, that I would just write whatever and however I feel, but here I am, thinking I should establish some kind of baseline.

What will I write about? Who knows. Day-to-day life, little curiosities, maybe science writing experiments that I don’t want to try publishing elsewhere. The goal is simply to write, and having a public outlet feels less like shouting into the void even if I don’t anticipate any real audience (while I quietly hope that at least someone wants to read along).

A couple of friends suggested I write at length about my day job, but I’m hesitant. While I don’t anticipate widespread popularity or significant traction, this blog isn’t exactly private, and I am mildly worried about oversharing. I’m a chronic over-sharer, despite what I tell myself about being a private person. However, I’d hate for sensitive information to upset people or to otherwise get me in trouble. That said: I participate in livestock and wildlife necropsies. I help pathologists take apart dead animals to find the cause of death, and that means I see a lot of truly, genuinely disgusting stuff. I’m sure it will come up from time to time, but I don’t want to write too much about any specific animals or cases, just in case.

There is a weird sort of vulnerability in starting this thing. As far as I can tell, I’m well-hidden enough not to come up in Google searches. Or at least not when you google Katherine Greene, and it turns out that is the joint pen name of two authors. The first Kat Greene I see is an English professor. What’s up with all these Kats and Katherines Greene wanting to write? Where did we come from? Where did we go? Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?

I’m reminded that rhetorical questions are lazy and add no real value to your writing.

I spent much of my day daydreaming about all the things I wanted to write here tonight, but it’s basically all gone now. I worked late, I’m tired, I’ve got classwork due and a house full of animals who demand my care and attention. There is no time to care about the value of this post, or frankly my value as a person in this world.

(It’s been a weird, nihilistic, shitty kind of day, and I suppose that’s the kind of honesty you can expect from me, too.)

What a bummer note to end on. Solid job, Kat.



On Writing and Perfectionism